January 26, 2014
Thomas Sabo Ohrringe in der lebensqualität
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Posted by: arithmeticcgzx.mee.nu at
01:53 AM
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Post contains 551 words, total size 6 kb.
see results about Bridesmaid Dresses UK up to dance with members of the band
Argyle grad making move to the big apple Look closely at the next carly rae
jepsen video and you'll likely see a north shore face. Unfortunately, the shot
will be far enough away you won't be able to make out the details of
Gown Wedding Dresses UK the face, but chances are you will be watching
brooke williamson perform. "It will be exciting seeing the video, and people
will be like, 'oh, that's carly rae jepsen, ' and i'll be like, 'no, that's
me,"Says williamson of her experience as an onscreen standin for the vancouver
pop star. The video was recently shot in a park in west vancouver and williamson
stood in when jepsen had to fly to new mexico to perform with justin bieber.
(Jepsen is the opening act for bieber's latest tour. ) The video was shot on a
cliff with a great view, reports williamson, adding,"It was a really nice place
to be.It was sunny out too, so it was actually a really nice day.I couldn't
complain at all.
Dresses 2014 UK " A longtime dancer, williamson assumed she was going to
be a dance standin and thought maybe jepsen didn't know how to dance.She soon
realized, however, she would be acting in a wedding scene.As a standin,
williamson learned, she would pretend to be jepsen for back shots and long
shots.Luckily, williamson studied drama during high school and counts it among
her many passions so she was up to the task. It wasn't her only surprise on set,
however.In order to look like jepsen, williamson had to cut her front bangs
short. Although she was game to do it and doesn't regret it, she admits,"It took
me a couple of days to get used to them. " While on set, williamson met someone
who invited her to an inviteonly audition for a new nelly furtado video that
took place not long after the jepsen video shoot. The first level of auditions
involved about 40 other dancers.Divided into groups of four, they were asked to
dance to a song they had never heard before. "He(tHechoreographer) just played
tHemusic and asked us to dance.No choreography, no steps.Just dance. "
Williamson describes the fiveminute song as fast tempo, and notes,"We were all
sweating at the end of it. " After the first round, the 40 dancers were cut to
10, and williamson was among the small group moving on to the second round of
auditions.They learned choreography for the second round and after performing
were cut down again.Unfortunately, williamson didn't make the third cut, but
says of the experience,"It was so cool, and i got to learn the choreography that
will be in the video. " It had only been about a month since williamson made her
first foray into the world of music videos, and it's a route she didn't expect
to take so soon in her career. While still a student at argyle secondary this
past june, she saw that a choreographer she knew had posted a notice online that
he was looking for dancers for a mariannas trench video"Desperate measures. "
Williamson says she always wanted to work on music videos, but didn't know how
to get involved, and thought it was something she would only be able to do much
later in her dancing career. But then,"I figured why not give it a shot? "She
sent in her resume and photo, and just a couple of days later found out she had
booked the job. "It was an awesome shoot,"She says. "It was a long shoot but i
learned so much from it. " Williamson was one of four lead dancers in the video
who were paired
results about Bridesmaid Dresses UK up to dance with members of the
band. "It was hectic but it was so much fun,"She notes. "I think everyone fed
off of everyone else's energy and everyone was positive, and i hadn't been
outside the whole time so i don't think i realized how dark it was, and then all
of a sudden i went to look at my phone to tell my mom that i was about to leave
and i was like,'oh my goodness, it's three in the morning.'" In june, williamson
graduated from argyle secondary.She has been dancing since she was seven years
old when her older sister introduced her to ballet.Like so many younger
siblings, williamson wanted to do everything Her older sister did, so naturally
followed her into dance classes. By 10 years old, williamson was serious about
ballet and was accepted for a fiveweek summer school program at canada's
national ballet school.She was later accepted to the school's fullyear program,
but wasn't ready to leave home at the age of 11 to attend the school in toronto.
After that, she broadened her repertoire and took on tap, ballroom, hiphop,
jazz, lyrical and stage.Her favourite kind of dance is contemporary, which she
describes as"Ballet moves with a contemporary twist. " Williamson spends from
two to six hours, six days a week taking classes and rehearsing, and sometimes
rehearses seven days a week if she's preparing for a competition. "It's kind of
an escape for me.It's somewhere that i can go that i trust myself dancing and i
trust the people around me while i'm dancing.It's kind of a place where i can go
and forget about the rest of my problems and everything and just get lost in my
movement. " Williamson admits because she spent so much time in dance studios
over the past four years, she sometimes felt like she was missing out on regular
high school social events.But in the past two years she says she has come to
realize it was worth the effort and she didn't miss out on too much. "Dance has
always been what i've always wanted to do.It's my passion and it's what i've
spent my whole life doing. " One of her goals is to perform on broadway and this
fall she will be closer to that dream, at least in physical proximity, when she
attends marymount manhattan college, a liberal arts school in new york, with a
$32, 000 scholarship.
Posted by: arithmeticcgzx.mee.nu at
01:36 AM
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Post contains 1046 words, total size 7 kb.
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Posted by: arithmeticcgzx.mee.nu at
01:25 AM
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Post contains 686 words, total size 5 kb.
January 21, 2014
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prefer it.As well as if your guy did not, it could extraordinary that our lovely
lady are inclined to your pet remove it from!
Posted by: arithmeticcgzx.mee.nu at
02:13 AM
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Post contains 1490 words, total size 10 kb.
January 18, 2014
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